If you had a recent sprain of your ankle and are looking to get back to work as quickly as possible. Then we’re right behind you here at Essential Wellness.
We recommend that you apply the principle of P.R.I.C.E You might even have googled it and found what it stands for. However, let us remind you as this short article will highlight why applying this acronym in practice, will reduce recovery time so you can return back to work.
P - Protection
You can find a range of supports in our online store that’ll help.
R - Rest
We recommend taking it easy the first few following your injury. Let’s not spend too much time sitting down though!
I - Ice
Grab yourself a bag of peas or frozen vegetables of your choice, from the freezer and apply it wrapped in a towel. Then place on the ankle for up to 20 minutes at a time. It’s best in the early stages if you do this regularly throughout the day.
C - Compression
Here at Essential Wellness, we have an Ankle Compression Sleeve that will really add much needed compression element, to help the swelling move out of the ankle to reduce your pain and discomfort.
E - Elevation
When you’re resting in the evening or during the day. You have your favourite soap or show on. You can simply pop your ankle on a foot stool or somewhere on the sofa and give it the elevation it needs. This will help the swelling drain out the ankle and immediately give you more comfort and relief. And hopefully speed up your recovery.
Severity of your sprain
Most of us will have Level ankle sprains and this a good thing. It means we recover faster and we can get back on our feet. Our recommendation is that if you can stand comfortably on your feet for 20 minutes, that’s a good greenlight that you can get back to work. Most people who suffer with Level 1 or Grade one ankle sprains are probably ready to get back to work within a couple of days.
If you’ve had a more severe ankle sprain, experiencing a lot of pain and swelling or are struggling to put weight through your leg and struggle to walk in a normal pattern, then a slower approach is best recommended. You may need to think about how you get to work if you walk normally or go by public transport. Additionally be mindful of the activities you’re going to do during the day.
If you have any concerns about being able to do your job, then think about doing a phased return. Trying to do activities when you are spending more time sitting than being on your feet. If you are having to take a steadier approach, then it’s best to ease yourself over one to two or even three weeks.
More Severe Sprains
If you’ve had the most severe sprain of your ankle,whereby you can only get around your house or property by wearing a support or using crutches, you may find that you need to take a couple of solid weeks rest at home before you think about getting back to work.