Steps to Aid Recovery with a Sprained Wrist

[Last Edited: 08/10/20]

Recovering From a Sprain Wrist

Wrist Sprains are common, and can cause high levels of pain, swelling and bruising. This article will explore what steps you can take immediately and what to expect from the process. 

Immediate Action

If you have fallen and injured your wrist it is likely that the ligaments have been strained. You can also sprain your wrist by any extreme movements or overstretching and straining. As soon as possible, use ice to reduce any swelling or heat in the area. This involves putting ice into a cool or wet towel and placing it where it hurts for up to 20 minutes, up to once per hour while it feels beneficial to do so. 

If you notice any obvious deformity or are completely unable to move your wrist or hand then you may need to visit your local A&E to make sure there is no break or fracture. 

3-4 days to 1 week

If the wrist continues to be painful and difficult to use, continue regular icing, speak to a pharmacist about appropriate painkillers and think about using a wrist support to give the ligaments and tendons enough rest. This will aid recovery and reduce pain. 

Continue to move the wrist through its range of movement, backwards, forwards and side-to-side whenever you feel able.


When wearing a wrist support, remove it every 3-4 hours and gently move the wrist in all directions as far as pain allows to prevent the wrist from getting stiff.

1 week to 4 weeks 

Within a week or two you should be able to lift and pick things up. This will be a sign to stop wearing the support brace at night and to gradually reduce how much you wear it during the day. It should still be used for strenuous activity, lifting and typing. 

It should feel like the strength is returning and is less painful. If you have a manual or typing job you may feel ready to return to work but seek advice if unsure, particularly with jobs involving driving. 


5 weeks to 8 weeks 

Within 4 to 8 weeks you should've felt like you can go most of the day without using the wrist support brace. 

After this point with gradual strengthening returning to sports is possible. Lifting weights, putting pressure through handlebars and doing press-ups will all be possible. It is best to expose yourself gradually to these pressures so the wrist tissue can get used to them. 

And of course! It may not take 6-8 weeks, depending on the severity of the injury and your personal pain tolerance, you may be able to return to sport and driving and typing much earlier than this! 


Wrist Support

Wrist supports are essential in the recovery journey for many wrist and tendon problems. The M-Brace Me wrist support allows the area to avoid fatigue and overuse with adjustable straps for long-term wear.